Thursday, February 16, 2017

Two definitions of programming

Over the past year I've finally begun to realize that writing machine executable code is not the essence of programming and these two definitions have helped me articulate what's really the essence.

"Well it seems to me the most succesful programmers I’ve encountered don’t craft software; they write software in order to move information around, in order to get something done. Information is the real deal – the software just defines the space that it moves around in. For those programmers, success is about getting information from point A where it’s currently languishing to point B where it’s going to actually be useful, as quickly and effectively as they can." - Dan North
"Programming, by definition, is about transforming data: It’s the act of creating a sequence of machine instructions describing how to process the input data and create some specific output data." - Noel

The movement and transformation of information. How effectively you do this to create value in a domain will determine your worth as a programmer in that domain.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sublime line editing

One of the most common code editing actions I do is at the individual line level. I copy lines, delete lines, move lines. The shortcuts that sublime provides are great. Here's some of the main ones I use.


Select a line - CMD + L


Delete from cursor to end of the line - CTRL + K
Delete from cursor to the beginning of the line - CMD + Delete
Delete entire line - CTRL + SHIFT + K (Really annoying to use)
Cut line - CMD + X (delete entire line and copy)


Move a line up - CTRL + CMD + UP
Move a line down - CTRL + CMD + DOWN


Duplicate a line - CMD + SHIFT + D

Then there are a couple more that are not about manipulating lines themselves but are based on lines:

Insert cursor to line before current line - CMD + SHIFT + ENTER
Insert cursor to line after current line - CMD + ENTER